The Payment Profile, a key My DSO Manager report!

First of all, what is a payment profile?
The Payment profile is the assessment given to a customer on the basis of his payment history allowing a score to be established within the "supplier" company. It provides at-a-glance an overview of the payment behavior of a customer or of your entire portfolio.It is a key credit management indicator that makes it possible to adapt the recovery strategy according to the profile of the buyer and to identify companies whose financial situation is deteriorating.
How to calculate it?
Well, it's not so easy: All the invoices paid by a customer must be logged, taking into account the payment date compared to the due date of each invoice, as well as the various events that may have arisen (dispute for example). Update the average over time to classify the customer in a pre-defined category called the payment profile.The profile thus fluctuates between Very Good Payer and Very Bad Payer according to your criteria.

Can I have a calculation in real time, by client, by branch, by BU, by entity...?
Absolutely and effortlessly for a full reading of your customer portfolio, to identify the profile of each of them and check their evolution. This approach can be done in numbers of customers or in amount of Accounts Receivable.My DSO Manager brings you online, in real time, your mapping of payment profiles at the expected level with the detail per customer to give you the best readability of an indicator whose quality of management ensures your cash performance.
My DSO Manager allows you to track the evolution of your payment profiles over time.
Analyze trends to anticipate credit risk changes with payment profiles!

Do not wait any longer to integrate the payment profile, an essential lever to improve your performance!