New in Multi reports!
In order to always improve your performance, your Credit Management software My DSO Manager is constantly evolving.
Today, we focus on some reports of the Multi-Entity platforms, that allow to consolidate accounts receivable of the companies that compose your Group.
Now you can have a more detailed view on some reports:

This allows to display the list of your customers with outstanding amounts, due or not due (total, +240 days, ...), at Group level.
The report is sorted by default in descending order of overdue:

By selecting the tab, you can display the list of your buyers:

► Customers are grouped by legal identifier in order to have a consolidated view of the risk.
The detail is therefore finer than at the level of the Ultimate Parent Number which, for the same group, can consolidate the information of many legal identifiers.
Click on Show all to display all of your Ultimate Parent Number and get details:
► See more: What is the Ultimate Parent Number?
Contact us to active this option on your Multi-entity platform. This is free of charge!
Contact us
Today, we focus on some reports of the Multi-Entity platforms, that allow to consolidate accounts receivable of the companies that compose your Group.
Now you can have a more detailed view on some reports:
Aging balance report
In addition to having your aging balance by entity, it's now possible to display the detail by customer:
This allows to display the list of your customers with outstanding amounts, due or not due (total, +240 days, ...), at Group level.
The report is sorted by default in descending order of overdue:

Risk report
A new tab, Clients, is available in the Risk report.By selecting the tab, you can display the list of your buyers:

► Customers are grouped by legal identifier in order to have a consolidated view of the risk.
The detail is therefore finer than at the level of the Ultimate Parent Number which, for the same group, can consolidate the information of many legal identifiers.
Consolidated risk report
The consolidated risk report provides with an exhaustive view of the risk at the level of an Ultimate Parent Number.Click on Show all to display all of your Ultimate Parent Number and get details:

Contact us to active this option on your Multi-entity platform. This is free of charge!
Contact us