Online help
  • There are several roles in My DSO Manager.Each have specific rights:

    • Administrator: access to all the features present in the application including setting the platform.
    • Credit manager: access to all features except « my account » and « security settings ».
    • Collector: accesses to recovery features and reports. He can also manage customer groups.
    • Sales administration: visualization access to clients, items with their statutes and comments and reports.
    • Commercial: access for consultation only on clients and on reports. However, it is possible to associate a status and a comment on the invoices but it is not possible to access to the settings.
    • Financial controller: access for consultation only on clients and their accounts situations as well as on the reports.
    • Executive officer: access for consultation only on clients and their accounts situations as well as on the reports.
    • Guest: access only to the reports.