User created who can login to the software with his username and password.
Correspondence address, or customer company location (house number, street name, etc.). Important for identification and communication.
The aging balance helps to monitor the situation of accounts receivable based on their seniority compared to their due date. It is divided into several tranches. For example, non-overdue receivables and receivables due between 1 and 30 days and between 31 and 60 days ... etc. It can be applied to the entire accounts receivable or can be set by customer or group of customers.
Average payment duration recorded on the customer. It is calculated based on the effective date of payment of invoices by the customer compared to their issuance date. It differs from the DSO (days of sales invoiced and not yet paid) which is calculated with outstanding invoices.
The customer's average payment delay takes into account invoices (My DSO Manager document type) that have been paid in the last six months.
A weighting is applied according to the amount of the invoice and its delay.
This information, integrated from the data import or manually, stipulates the status of the customer account.
Is the account blocked (Yes/No)?
Name/designation of commercial operation or project related to item
The sector in which the customer operates.
The legal name of the company.
Dunning actions done by a creditor (the seller) in order to get his invoices paid by a debtor (the client)
Customer company location
Criteria used to carry out searches focusing on unsold or sold-out items. Is the item cleared? (Yes/No)
ID assigned to each customer to facilitate the identification in My DSO Manager.
Date on which the customer account was created in My DSO Manager.
Custom fields for storing specific information relating to your informational and analytical need.
Date on which customer account information was modified in My DSO Manager (import or manual action).
A unique ID is assigned to each customer to distinguish between customers with the same code.
Group collection involves consolidating the collection of several customer accounts into a single account.
Is the customer part of a group dunning? (Yes/No)
How to group the collection?
Does the customer have a contact with an email address defined for sending correspondence? (Yes/No)
Scenario defined for the customer: Succession of collection actions configured in My DSO and applied according to the due date of the leader invoice.
What is a collection scenario?
The contact for collection is the customer's main contact for all aspects of debt management.
Does the customer account have a contact identified as a « contact for collection »? (Yes/No)
What is the contact for collection?
The contractual DSO represents the share of the DSO corresponding to current receivable (not yet overdue).
Annual cost of a day of DSO calculated with the internal interest rate (the cost of money) for your business.
Customer's country of origin or location.
The credit available corresponds to the credit limit minus the total amount of receivable. It therefore represents the unused outstanding credit.
The cost of credit is the cost for the seller of the credit granted to a client. It is different for each company and depends on the structure of the company's liabilities and costs of each item (equity, debt ... etc.). It is necessary to know this cost for his company to set up the payment terms and the rate of late payment penalties to use.
Amount of guarantee provided by an insurance company to protect against the risk of non-payment.
The credit limit represents the cimmitment maximum granted to a customer. Its purpose is to limit the amount receivableto a level consistent with the customer's financial capacity.
How to manage credit limit?
- Risk category: Category to evaluate the level of risk associated to a client on the basis of a defined rating matrix.
- Score: Rating assigned to assess the risk quality of a customer on the basis of the defined rating matrix.
Qu'est-ce que la notation crédit ?
When a company makes a sale by granting a delay of payment to the buyer, she is not certain to be paid while she has already delivered the equipment ordered or performed the service. Credit risk represents the sum of receivables issued and not yet paid less those secured (credit insurance, bank guarantees ... etc.)
Currency in which the invoice amount is expressed.
The currency value may differ from the main currency set for My DSO Manager.
Total of open items that are not overdue for payment
- Author : Author of comments provided by the customer via the interactive page.
- Comments : Comments provided by the customer through the interactive page.
- Date : Date on which customer comments were entered on the interactive page.
- Email : Email address associated with customer comments entered on the interactive page.
What are the interactive emails and how to activate them?
Date on which the customer promises payment
A dispute is a reason given by the customer to justify the non-payment of an invoice. It may be of several kinds: commercial (pricing error on the bill), quality (the delivered material does not work properly) or administrative (error in the invoice wording ...).
Days Sales Outstanding: number of days of sales in the accounts receivable. The DSO is a key indicator in credit management and should be as low as possible. It varies depending on the payment terms granted to customers and bills collection performance.
Contractual date where an invoice must be paid by the customer. This date is defined when the invoice is issued, depending on the payment term applied. It is important that this date is correct to avoid any dispute justifying non-payment of the invoice.
Amount of receivables corresponding to a day of DSO
Item type of your ERP or accounting system.
Vendor internal reference of the purchase order of the client.
Information from the financial information provider.
User created who cannot login to the software with its own identifiers.
Initial amount of item excluding tax.
Initial amount of item including taxes.
Information from insurance companies to manage guarantees.
Identifier or reference provided by an insurance company
Interactive email intended for the internal actors of your company allowing them to interact in My DSO Manager about actions requests or disputes follow-up
This is the cost of money in your business. It depends on the cost of bank financing and shareholder remuneration
- Internal reply - Author : Author of responses received from the internal interactive page, linked to the item.
- Internal reply - Comments : Comments or internal responses concerning the item, made via the internal interactive page.
- Internal reply - Date : Date on which internal responses were recorded via the interactive internal page.
- Internal reply - Email : Email address associated with internal responses received via the internal interactive page.
Date on which the item was issued.
Date on which the item was created in My DSO Manager.
Custom fields to store specific information about the item
Date on which information relating to the item was modified in My DSO Manager. (Import or manual action)
Reference assigned to the accounting item generally used for tracking and identification purposes.
Internal item type, depending on the accounting nature of the item. Used to determine the item type in My DSO Manager.
Each item (invoice, credit note, payment unaffected, debit note ...) uploaded in
My DSO Manager must be associated with an internal item type of
My DSO Manager. This type depends on the accounting nature of the item.
There are 6 item types in
My DSO Manager:
- FAC / Invoice: invoices. Debit items only
- AVO / Credit note: credit notes. Credit items only
- RGL / Payment: unallocated payments. Credit items only
- ODI / Miscellaneous transaction: miscellaneous operations(OD). Debit or credit items
- TRT / Draft: items in transit (drafts, bill of exchange). Debit only
- DPA / Downpayment request: payment requests. These are memorandum items (for information) without accounting value. Debit items only
Unique identifier assigned to each item for precise identification.
Interest calculated according to the number of days overdue and the rate you have set in the My Account section.
Are late payment penalties activated (Yes/No)?
How to apply late payment penalties?
Oldest invoice of the account not excluded by a specific action.
It is the due date of this leader invoice that generates the dunning actions according to the scenario assigned to the account.
Note that in some cases, collection scenario actions are triggered based on date of previous action completed.
Oldest item not excluded by a specific action which triggers the collection scenario actions
The legal identification number assigned to a company.
Minimum amount below which no collection scenario action is generated by My DSO Manager.
Does the customer have a contact telephone number for payment reminders? (Yes/No)
The open items are all the receivable accounting documents (invoices, credit notes, payments not allocated yet...) issued but not cleared yet (for example invoices issued but not paid yet).
Amount of sales orders recorded and not yet invoiced. This amount is taken into account in the calculation of the risk
Date on which the order was placed.
All guarantees, in addition to those of the usual insurer, that can be provided to secure a transaction: bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, parent company guarantee, etc.
Total of all overdue items
Part of outstanding receivables that are overdue.
Number of days after due date
The overdue DSO represents the portion of the DSO corresponding to overdue receivable.
Amount of late payments for which the forecasted payment date (based on date of promise to pay or the average delay in payment of the customer) has not been respected.
Accounts Payable (customer side) centralizing payments of several customer accounts
Contractual date on which an invoice must be paid by the customer. It's defined when the invoice is issued based on the payment term granted. It's important that it is correct to avoid any dispute justifying non-payment of the invoice.
Method used by the customer to make payments.
Maximum contractual period during which a customer must make payment after the invoice issue date.
Address element
Total of all open items (invoices, credit notes, unaffected payment, miscellaneous transactions and bills in circulation)
Fixed amount applicable per invoice in the event of late payment for compensation of collection costs.
Is the recovery cost activated?
How to apply recovery cost?
Remaining amount due on item excluding tax.
Amount remaining due on invoice including all taxes.
There are several roles in
My DSO Manager.Each have specific rights:
- Administrator (Yönetici): access to all the features present in the application including setting the platform.
- Credit manager (Kredi Müdürü): access to all features except « my account » and « security settings ».
- Collector (Tahsildar): accesses to recovery features and reports. He can also manage customer groups.
- Sales administration (Satış Yönetimi): visualization access to clients, items with their statutes and comments and reports.
- Commercial (Satış müdürü): access for consultation only on clients and on reports. However, it is possible to associate a status and a comment on the invoices but it is not possible to access to the settings.
- Financial controller (Mali kontrol uzmanı): access for consultation only on clients and their accounts situations as well as on the reports.
- Executive officer (İcra memuru): access for consultation only on clients and their accounts situations as well as on the reports.
- Guest (Misafir): access only to the reports.
Collaborator involved in the management of Sales Administration operations, which may include various tasks related to sales and order management.
The person or sales team associated with the transaction or items.
Numerical assessment of a customer's financial reliability/credibility.
The identification number of an establishment assigned to a company in France.
A specific action allows you to exclude the selected bills from the collection scenario and to perform another action. For example, if the customer agrees to pay a bill at a time D, it is useful to set a specific action « promise to pay follow up » on this bill at D + 2 days. When an invoice is qualified in dispute, a specific action « dispute tracking » is automatically programmed by My DSO Manager to take this bill out of collection until dispute is resolved.
Geographical division of a country, which can be important for tax and legal matters.
A statement of account is a summary document of all accounting records of a customer account. It contains all invoices, credit notes and other items not settled yet. This document informs the client of the bills he has to pay.
The status allows to qualify items and assign them temporarily in a category.
For example, if a customer confirms a payment, the relevant invoices will be qualified with a status of « Promise to pay ».
- Status - Name : Name of status defined on My DSO Manager
- Status - Comment : Explanatory comment linked to debt status.
- Status - Date : Date on which last item status was indicated.
- Status - Author : Author of item status, having qualified it.
How to manage statuses?
Date on which last item status was indicated.
The status type is used to generically categorize the collection stage of a item.
There are five non-modifiable categories: dispute, dispute resolved, litigation, on going, promise to pay
- Temporary guarantee (amount) : Montant de la garantie accordée pour une période limitée.
- Temporary guarantee - Start date : Date on which the temporary guarantee takes effect.
- Temporary guarantee - End date : Date on which the temporary guarantee expires.
The To do list is a central tool in My DSO Manager. It contains all the collection actions to be made. There can be several sorts of actions: scenario actions, specific actions or automatic actions. The To do list allows the collector to organize its priorities and its activity into My DSO Manager.
Receivable + order backlog
The trade name or denomination under which the client company operates.
Allows you to link customers common to several entities in a multi, for a consolidated view of receivable amounts, overdue amounts, credit limits, etc.
What is the Ultimate Parent Number?
Customer company web address.
The tax identification number assigned to a company for value-added tax (VAT) purposes.
Address element