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Disputes management »

How to create and close a dispute case?

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The creation of a dispute comes after an exchange with the client indicating a valid reason for not paying certain invoices. It is done on the client sheet / statement of account of open items.

Dispute creation

You must select the items concerned by the dispute by checking them on the left of the screen and then click the button Change status ... .

Qualify items

Step 1 Select the status to associate

In this example, a « Price dispute ». Fill also a comment describing as precisely as possible the dispute, as well as the Resolver, i.e. the person who will be able to resolve this dispute in your company (salesperson, sales assistant, technician, etc.).

It is on the basis of this description that the resolver will work to solve the dispute. It must therefore be fully representative of the expression of the customer.

Associate a comment

Step 2 Send an email:

As soon as a Resolver is identified, My DSO Manager propose you to send an internal interactive email including all required information to work on the case. It is possible to use the #Hashtag to insert dynamic content such as a list of the items concerned by the dispute (#items_list_selected).

Create the case

A quick preview ensures that the email contains the correct information.

Email preview

Step 3 Set the next action:

The last step is to remove the disputed items of the collection scenario by creating a specific action of dispute follow-up.

Exclude items

Set a date for the action that is consistent with the time needed to resolver to settle the problem. It is possible in Setup / Manage item statusLink to set by default a number of days by status. These items will not trigger dunning actions until the dispute is resolved.

The resolver is visible in the relevant action:

Action resolve

Your collection agenda, Report Items status, Report Disputes and items searches can be filtered on the Resolver criterion:

report resolve

Dispute follow-up

If you do not have a feedback from the resolver, chase him / her up without ending the action (and thus without closing the dispute) and then change the date of the action to a later date, which will allow you to chase him / her againt.
→ For more information: How to make live a specific action?

chase up resolve

Dispute resolution

Once the problem resolved (credit note issued in our example), you need to close the dispute.

To do so, terminate the specific action of dispute follow-up in the customer sheet or in the collection agendaLink. The status is automatically changed to « Dispute resolved » when the specific action is terminated.

The invoices are now collectable (non-disputed anymore). A dunning action can be done to get their payment quickly. Indeed, the customer has no reason to block payment.
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