Connect Altares (Intuiz+) with My DSO Manager
It's possible to integrate your Altares / Intuiz+ data (Paydex, Score and Recommended Credit) to your customers files using our new connector.

This feature allows you to daily follow-up your account receivable against Altares (Intuiz+) recommendations, and thus facilitates your credit risk management.
Once activated, the Altares (Intuiz+) informations are available directly on your customers files.
The Paydex, Score and Recommended Credit changes history are visible by flying over the elements.
You can also search theses informations, find them in the Risk Report, create alerts, ...
Contact us to set-up the connection between Altares (Intuiz+) and My DSO Manager

This feature allows you to daily follow-up your account receivable against Altares (Intuiz+) recommendations, and thus facilitates your credit risk management.
Once activated, the Altares (Intuiz+) informations are available directly on your customers files.
The Paydex, Score and Recommended Credit changes history are visible by flying over the elements.
You can also search theses informations, find them in the Risk Report, create alerts, ...
Contact us to set-up the connection between Altares (Intuiz+) and My DSO Manager