Completed and upcoming developments in My DSO Manager!

The entire My DSO Manager team wishes you a very happy new year!
2025 has just begun and new developments have already been made to your software My DSO Manager. Others are planned in the coming weeks and will help to further improve the user experience and efficiency.
Latest developments released
- Customer search and advanced search criteria: it is now possible to use as search criteria the overdue amounts corresponding to the instalments of your aged balance (which are of course customizable) :
These criteria are particularly useful for indicating to the AI Search & Assign the strategies you want to implement.
For example, select customers with a low score, a bad payment profile and with overdue receivable of more than 30 days so that My DSO Manager automatically assigns them a suitable collection scenario, a group corresponding to risky customers, a specialized collector, etc.
- AI Search & Assign : improved the design and usability of the configuration page for this advanced feature, and added an option for assigning groups and associating colleagues with clients, which allow to automatically unassociate when the client no longer meets the selected criteria.
- Reports filters: added checkboxes to select multiple status type or status values in the Disputes and Items Status reports. A button allows you to select all the desired criteria at once and then validate these criteria in order to reload the report.
- New #hashtag tags available, allowing you to enrich your emails, interactive emails, follow-up letters and SMS:
- #client_blocked : customer account blocked (Yes or No)
- #client_credit_limit: customer account credit limit
- #client_credit_limit_available: credit available (credit limit - total AR)
- #items_amount_overdueX: overdue amount above X days, X being configurable from 1 to 365 (contact us to define this value). For example,
- #items_amount_overdue90_exclude_disputes displays the amount of the overdue of more than 90 days excluding disputed items.
- The same principle applies to other #hashtags of the same type. Example: #items_amount_overdue90_disputes displays the amount of overdue and disputed items by more than 90 days.
- Add _per_currency to the end of the #hashtag to group amounts by currency.
- #items_amount_overdue90_exclude_disputes displays the amount of the overdue of more than 90 days excluding disputed items.
- #client_blocked : customer account blocked (Yes or No)
- Added a checkbox when qualifying items and entering a comment to make it visible in your customer's interactive page (the customer portal). This feature strengthens interactions with your customers' contacts and streamlines communication.
- Evolution of the interactive emails that you were able to discover at the end of 2024 and which will allow other functionalities to be integrated in the future.
Upcoming developments in 2025

In the coming weeks and months, My DSO Manager will continue to evolve significantly in many aspects:
- Launch of our generative AI, MyiA, to answer your questions, provide a summary and automatic qualification of items based on customers feedbacks.
- Improvement of existing connectors with partner services (financial information, credit insurers, litigation recovery, etc.), which are increasingly bidirectional.
- Continuous improvement of the design and ergonomics of My DSO Manager, often based on users feedback.
- Integration of customer feedback by email directly into your platform.
- Etc.
The list of developments is long and we are always listening to you in order to develop your software in the best possible way.
Why are these developments essential?
Digital technologies and the interconnection between systems are evolving very quickly, transforming the methods and practices of cash collection and credit management.In summary, AI in My DSO Manager:
- Smart upload: our import module allows you to integrate your data regardless of its format, considerably facilitating the implementation of the software.
- Search & Assign: which allows the intelligent implementation of your different strategies.
- MyiA generative AI:
- Chatbot providing expert assistance on the software and best credit management practices.
- Automatic and intelligent qualification of receivables based on customer responses.
They allow to increase performance and efficiency exponentially and to significantly improve the Order to Cash (O2C) process. Our goal is that you always benefit from the best software in order to implement your expertise in the most relevant way.