To benefit from this interface, use a script that will send every night (for example), or several times a day, your open items, customers, users (optional) and contacts (optional) files to our server.
This program must send CSV or TXT files (semicolon separated file in the POST data) using the identifiers, addresses and syntaxes below:
Login to your account via our API
To log in, use this login and password:
Address / URL:
You must be logged in to view this information
Beispiel « Headers »
POST ...
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information
Optionen Import
Use these options only if you need them:
Possible values: UTF-8 (standardmäßig), ISO-8859-1, ...
Clear automatically items?
Possible values:
true:« STOCK » mode → I import systematically all open items (invoices, credit notes, various operations ... not yet paid and cleared). In this case, if an item is present in an import day 'D' but not anymore in the next one at 'D 1', MY DSO MANAGER will clear it automatically.
false:« DELTA » mode → I prefer to make partial imports (not necessarily all open items) and I indicate to MY DSO MANAGER the items which are paid and cleared either by clearing them manually in the statement of account in the customer sheet, or by making imports of items cleared with the field 'Payment date' filled with the date of the clearance of the items.
Standardmäßig: false
Replace clients/users associations oder add only new clients/users associations?
Possible values: 0 oder 1
Standardmäßig: 0
Beispiel « Headers » und «
Data »
POST /api/items?encoding=UTF-8&clear_items_not_modified=true HTTP/1.1
Add and modify your items (invoices, credit notes, ...)
POST /api/items HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information
"FAC";"00000123";"C0001";"2025-03-13";"2025-03-20";"6 580,10";"USD"
POST /api/clients HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information
"My company";"C0001";"FR12345678";"France"
POST /api/contacts HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information
POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information
If you want, you can use the path "/apiPutFiles/" to import the files asynchronously.
Return data
After performing the POST of these data MY DSO MANAGER will process immediately and will respond if there was an error or how much data has been added and updated.
This response will be in JSON format and returns the following information:
Indicates if the import was done successfully
Possible values: true, false
Error code (if there was an error)
To benefit from this interface, use a script that will send every night (for example), or several times a day, your open items, customers, users (optional) and contacts (optional) files to our server.
This program must send CSV or TXT files (semicolon separated file in the POST data) using the identifiers, addresses and syntaxes below:
You must subscribe to PRO-Version to get the access codes
Use the same CSV files you used during manual import « Smart Upload »
Name them so that MY DSO MANAGER knows what type of file is sent (clients files must begin with "clients", items files by "items" and contacts files with "contacts")
Send theses files
The data are instantly processed and updated in your account. The file you sent is replaced with a report file that tells you if everything went well and how many changes have been done.
Overview using FileZilla software to transfer your files:
This overview shows a manual import but you shall make it automatically by creating a script that sends CSV files.
With our connectors, you can import your customer data and accounts receivable data (open invoices, credit notes, ...) in a simple and automated way!
To do this, select below your ERP / CRM software and follow the instructions to synchronize your data with My DSO Manager at the frequency you want (daily, weekly, or manually).
List of softwares automatically connected with My DSO Manager: