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How to manage statuses?

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The statuses allow to qualify items (invoices, credit notes ...) to indicate at what stage they are in the collection.

They are associated with receivables after performing the collection action and they also include a comment explaining the situation of selected items.
→ For more information: Why and how to qualify items.

When you create your My DSO Manager account, standard statuses are immediately created.
The types of statuses are divided into five categories, fixed:

  • On going: includes all statuses indicating that an action is on going
  • Promise to pay: used when the client has committed to pay the invoice
  • Dispute: corresponding to invoices for which payment is disputed by the client
  • Dispute resolved: indicates that the invoice was disputed but the problem was resolved. The invoice is therefore collectable again
  • Litigation: identifies items whose amicable collection failed and which are the subject of litigation (claim to credit insurer, legal action ongoing ...).

However, it is possible to change, delete and create new statuses corresponding to your needs.

To do this, you must go to the Settings, Manage item statusesLink.You can view the list of statuses and perform the operations you want to.

Create or modify a status:

image admin

When creating or editing a status, set the default number of days after which the follow-up action will be triggered (7 days by default) in the event of an action outside the scenario (dispute or specific action).
The user can modify this value when creating the specific action. For example, the number of days could be 2 days for a simple dispute (price, administrative ...) and 7 days for a more complex problem (technical, commercial ...).

Exception to this rule, if a promise of payment date is entered, the follow-up action date will correspond to this one that will remain editable by the user.

The statuses are essential in My DSO Manager. They allow to monitor the situation of your receivable and they are the basis to perform the collection actions, either to the client for clean items, or to internal stakeholders (sales managers...) for disputed items. They are also the basis for other tasks. For example, making a provision for doubtful accounts: a simple extraction of items that have a status of « litigation » provides the relevant invoices.

The report Items statusLink highlights the amount outstanding by type of status and status. It also shows the qualification rate of overdue items, which is a key indicator of whether the monitoring of overdue receivables is optimum.
→ See more: What is the items status report?
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