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Create templates for specific actions!

Specific actions are used to manage particular situations when the collection scenario is not applicable. They can be created for some items or the full customer account.

Dispute follow-up, Promise to pay follow up, litigation...etc. are all reasons for creating specific actions.

They can also be used to create a dunning e-mail or post mail that includes only some items of the account (for example, only invoices that belong to a specific purchase order).

It is therefore useful to create dedicated templates for these actions in order to be more efficient and to not have to start from the scratch every time. These should include dedicated #Hashtags for specific actions:

  • #items_amount_selected: displays the total amount of the selected items
  • #items_list_selected: displays a statement of account including only the selected items.

You can then retrieve one of these documents each time you create a specific action.

Find templates that can be used immediately in your My DSO Manager account.
Go to Settings / Manage collection scenarios and click on button "Add a pre-defined scenario", then select "Templates specific actions".