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Quickly select a list of clients or items using a copy-paste

Do you have a list of accounts or items that you want to filter quickly without having any common criteria?
As for example a long list of items to qualify, or customers to assign a collection scenario?

To do this, two possibilities:

  • From the clients search or the items search, simply « copy-paste » the desired values in the « Company code » or « Trans No. : » fields
    Search items

    → You can then make mass settings such as assigning a Collector, a Collection scenario..., or exporting the result to Excel Excel.

  • From the customer account and the « Search » button, use a simple « copy-paste » of your items list from an Excel Excel, PDF PDF, text, ...
    Search clients

    → You can change the status, add a comment, create a specific action... in a few clicks on the selected items.