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Collect in My DSO Manager »

How to assign a collector to a client?

The collector is the person in charge of the collection on a customer account.

There are several possibilities to set or modify the collector allocated to your customers:

1. Inside the customer file

This method allows modification over time, as needed. Click on the little blue pen at the top right of your customer file, then select the desired collector in the drop-down menu:

customer file collect.

2. Mass change on selected customers

This option shall be preferred when you want to change the collector of a customers list according to some criteria. Go to the ClientsLink tab:

Step 1 Search

Fill in your search criteria, or copy/paste a list of customer accounts from ExcelExcel (or other tool) in the Company code field:

Customer search

Tips → once the desired selection is done, you can save your search and name it. To retrieve the selection, just click the Show Search button after selecting the My Searches tab.

Step 2 Collector assignment

Display and select all the customers, then assign them the desired collector (at the bottom of the page):

Collect. assignement loading=

If one or several accounts with a AR <> 0 do not have collectors assigned, an alert is displayed in CollectionLink tab.
Just click on this alert to get the list of accounts concerned. Find also this criteria in Insights tab.

3. From Search & Assign, to set the default collector or apply the rightcollector according to your own criteria.

All new customers will be automatically assigned to collector based on the defined automatic assignment tasks or, in the event that no assignment is applied, the default assignment. This set up has to be done from Settings, Manage Search & AssignLink, tab Collector ou tab By default:

Preferences default coll.

4. Mass change by importing customer data

When this information is available in your ERP, it is possible to import the collector when importing customer data. Contact us so that we can set up your platform:

Contact us

When the modifications are done, corresponding collections actions will be displayed on collector's agenda.
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