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How to maximize the security of your account?

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My DSO Manager is an entirely secured platform (HTTPS/TLS connections, Dedicated Servers, Firewall, ...).

In addition, it is possible to activate some options to maximize the security of your account and your data:

  • Force password change every month → This option obliges each user to change password every month. It is mandatory to use complex passwords including a minimum of 9 characters: letters + numbers + at least one uppercase + at least one special character.
  • Authentication via SSO (Single Sign-On) → If you have authentication management over SSO, we can connect it so that your users will use the login and password of your company (Contact us to implement the SSO connection)
  • Allow only some IP addresses to connect → This is particularly restrictive because only the authorized IP (number that identifies each computer connected to the Internet) can connect to your account. If an IP tries to connect, an SMS is sent to the mobile phone of the administrator to valid or not that IP address.
  • Access restriction for some roles → You can restrict access to certain data in your account depending on the role of the user
  • Expiration of links in the interactive emails → You can set a period of validity of the link contained in the interactive emails and internal interactive emails
  • Expiration of links to your EDM (Electronic Document Management) → You can set a period of validity for access to the PDF invoice hosted in your EDM

These options can be defined in the Settings: Secure my account and user accountsLink

Overview of these options in the Admin:
Secure my account
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