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Cash receipts report »

What is the cash receipts report?

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The Cash receipts report allows to follow the trend of payments received from customers. It is possible to look at it through several perimeters (customers groups, collector, sales manager...).

It is calculated according to open items cleared in accounting (invoices, credit notes, debit notes, unallocated payments...).

Beyhond Key Performance Indicators like DSO and % of overdue, the cash receipts report is very useful to answer to a basic need: how much have been collected?

Cash receipts report

It is possible to filter the report by:

  • Customers group
  • Collector
  • Internal actor associated to csutomers
  • Analytic field (if some are setup on your platform).
The report details cash receipts by client:

Cash receipts report by client

It is possible to click on a customer to see the payments history in Reports & Indicators tab of customer sheet.

Cash receipts report in customer sheet

Items types taken into account in the calculation: Invoice, Credit note, Miscellaneous transaction, Draft, Payments.
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