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Manage payment profiles »

How to manage customers payment profiles?

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The payment profile represents your customer payment behavior and it's illustrated by a flag near your customer's information.

Global view paymt profile

It allows you to quickly visualize in which category your customers are positioned, and helps with the collection strategy and decision-making in credit management.

Global view paymt behavior

The payment profile is defined according to the average payment delay and it is configurable according to your criteria.

Astuce → The average payment delay is calculated over six rolling months. It takes into account invoices (My DSO Manager item type) that have been paid in the last 6 months. A weighting is applied according to the amount of the invoice and its delay.

For this, you have to go to Settings / Manage payment profilesLink :

Manage paymt profile

Choose your payment profile name, the condition according to the average payment delay, insert a comment if you wish, and choose a flag color :

Create a paymnt profile

The flag is displayed in most screens. By flying over it you will find the definition and the average payment delay of the customer :

Fly over flag

You can also sort the information by payment profile, so that collector can, for example, prioritize collection according to this criteria:

Sort by paymnt profile

or also:

  • Integrate payment profile to your searches and alerts
  • Assign collection scenarios according to the payment profile
  • Sort customers lists
  • ...
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